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I Bought My First Home At 19

What is the best age to buy real estate? Well you are asking someone that believes in the power of real estate and always has. I bought my first home at the age of 19. I bought it because my dad told me that I made too much money to be wasting ...

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Top 10 Best ROI When Selling Your Home

So you are thinking about selling your house. You're out on the weekend visiting open houses so that you can see what the competition is doing to get their homes ready. You see homes in various conditions. Some homes are staged, vacant, refresh...

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20 Things Realtors Do Behind Your Back

Most buyers and sellers are shielded from the sheer amount of work their agent does between calls and emails. And that’s no wonder! Every agent’s goal is to make the process as easy as possible for their client. Whether you are a buyer, sel...

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